Last fall, I was doing a lot of thinking about the power of intention. I bought a 2020-2021 journal that made me smile, which was the beginning of “JOY” becoming my word. The power of focused attention/intention is a fantastic thing because it draws things toward us, if only because that’s what we choose to see. Everywhere I looked, there was the word JOY.

From yard decorations during the holidays to my favorite Christmas coffee cup, all the way to a sign on the golf ball display, there it was! JOY was popping out all over the place and at the most random moments!

At first, seeing the word brought a smile, then I got the feeling of JOY, and after a while, I found myself striving to create JOY. Whether in a simple moment, by listening to music a little more intently or appreciating time with a friend. I even found JOY in challenging work and situations that otherwise might have frustrated me as recently as last week, when the final chapter of a book I was reading covered ways to nurture a joyous heart.

Find a word, set an intention, or decide on a goal, then put your attention to it and let the sparks fly!