Video marketing used to be reserved for the biggest brands and local advertisers. With smartphones and new tech, video is accessible to all. The question is how to use it in a way that strengthens your brand.

In 2020 the use of video exploded for businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes. Consider these stats:

  • 87% of marketers say video increased traffic to their website
  • 60% say video directly increased sales
  • 84% of marketers say video is compelling for lead gen
  • 94% say video increases understanding of a product or service

That means you, as a small business, need reliable and affordable ways to showcase your brand through video because consumers will use it as a part of their journey with you. Here are some things to consider:

  1. Begin with the end in mind. Start with a strong statement about your brand. What do you want your customer to remember?
  2. Know your customer. Whatever you want a customer to remember needs to be meaningful to them. The images and language you use should mimic having a one-on-one conversation with your customer.
  3. Choose a platform based on the outcome: YouTube to drive search results; TikTok for younger audiences; Vidyard for sales, Instagram Stories to grab real-time attention.
  4. Know what you want to accomplish. Are you demonstrating your product? Teaching a consumer how to use it? Showing its practical or emotional value to them?
  5. Measure results. Include a call to action.
  6. Share your expertise. You built your business, product, or service for a reason, and nobody knows it better than you. Share your “why” along with how to use the product or service.

Check out these sources to learn more:

Christian Rumscheidt

6 Ways to Use Video Marketing to Strengthen Your Brand

What Video Marketers Should Know in 2021

Video Marketing Statistics 2021