Being in business means making a promise to serve your customers. Mission, Vision, Values Facilitation articulates why your business exists. More than pretty words, a catchy phrase, or a plaque on the wall, we’ll work to transform your mission into a clear vision of the future and the behavior your team will engage in to get there.
mean in the context of this service:

Mission is your “why.” There’s a reason why you decided to open our doors. We clarify your mission or purpose.

Vision is how your mission comes to life. A vision sets a future course and helps determine what is within or outside of bounds, creating priceless focus.

Values guide your team in behaving to fulfill your mission and achieve your vision.
Mission, Vision, Values Facilitation Includes
• Discovery survey
• Idea session to clarify the Mission and Vision
• Values session engaging your team to express values in behavioral terms
• Survey recap and Mission, Vision, Values documentation
Clients who use this service often say they are so busy running their business that they rarely have time to step back and think about it. We’ll break your goals and priorities into specific projects that will engage the group and best use their natural talents, skills, and creativity.
Strategic Planning Facilitation Includes
• Discovery assignment aligned with performance goals and growth objectives
• Individual pre-work with you and your team to narrow the list of priorities
• Prioritize projects using the time with your team to generate ideas and actions
• Explore specific business outcomes to measure performance and test our thinking
• Written action plan and timeline to jumpstart work on opportunities and challenges
• Quarterly progress checks to ensure your plan is on track
Business Plan
Coaching Facilitation
Business Plan
Coaching Facilitation
Business owners and managers in the fray of day-to-day operations can lose focus on their plans. The immediate and urgent overtake the important. Together we explore the priorities and projects you identify as critical to your business growth. Then we clarify measurable outcomes and work through ideas and actions to move you forward.
My only agenda is to help you discover the “what’s next?’ for you and your business to put you on the right track. Empathic and active listening skills and a system of asking the right questions serve to unwind your mind and clarify the next steps.
Business Plan
Facilitation Includes
• One-hour individual coaching session
• Scheduled on-demand or in a series
• Written recap and action plan immediately following each appointment